Stand Up for the Fish

Stand Up for the Fish

It’s important that we stand up for the fish… if we don’t… there will be no fish to catch. That’s why when I hear political leaders talk about taking fish because “This is about states’ rights,” rather than saying, “It’s about the fish,” it sets off alarms for me. I am not a fisheries manager, […]

Epic Win For Marine Ecosystems

Epic Win For Marine Ecosystems

Anglers should be stoked about this week’s Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council Meeting, and focused on making this sort of thing a requirement After emerging from four days of mind-numbing meetings, I’m leaving Virginia with my chest puffed out and my head held high. Why? Because in the often dim world of fishery management, we […]

Bluefish: Why Not Manage For Life?

Bluefish: Why Not Manage For Life?

To date, salt water fishery management is largely about dead fish. We worry about fishing mortality. We try to figure out how many fish can be landed without doing long-term harm to the stock. What we don’t think about very often is how many fish we should leave alive in the water to make the […]

Continuing the Success of the Magnuson-Stevens Act in the Gulf of Mexico

Continuing the Success of the Magnuson-Stevens Act in the Gulf of Mexico

This spring NOAA Fisheries released two reports that signal encouraging progress for fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. The 2015 Status of the Stocks and Fisheries Economics in the U. S.: 2014 both documented the continuing success of the Magnuson-Stevens Act. Until fairly recently, however, many Gulf fisheries were overfished or subject to overfishing and […]