At ASMFC, Fluke Wins, Striped Bass Loses

At ASMFC, Fluke Wins, Striped Bass Loses

The Difference Between These Two Species Shows Why We Desperately Need to Keep Federal Law Intact Just back from Alexandria, VA… So while all of this is still fresh in my head, I thought I’d get it down. First, summer flounder (aka fluke): As readers likely know, there’s been lots of controversy here. Because… well, […]

Summer Flounder Testing Our Resolve?

Summer Flounder Testing Our Resolve?

Summer flounder (like these caught on the author’s charter boat) have had a declining spawning biomass for six years. New regulation options aim to reduce harvest limits, putting fish first to rebuild the fishery. It’s post-inauguration and the dust hasn’t settled. In fact, nothing is settled. It’s more like a whirlwind. My greatest fear is […]

Knowable Unknowns of Fishing Catch Data

Knowable Unknowns of Fishing Catch Data

On January 10, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) released their Review of the Marine Recreational Information Program (known as MRIP). The report takes a comprehensive look at how well MRIP is doing in its goal of “modernizing the survey methods to reduce bias, increase efficiency, and build greater trust with the […]

Managing Fisheries Management Uncertainty

Managing Fisheries Management Uncertainty

Fisheries management is not an exact science. Although biologists are constantly refining their stock assessments and population models, there are still many sources of uncertainty. Some of them fall into the category of “scientific uncertainty.” Such scientific uncertainty applies to all of the important parameters, such as stock size and the number of young fish […]

National Academy of Sciences Praises Marine Recreational Information Program

National Academy of Sciences Praises Marine Recreational Information Program

Top photo courtesy John McMurray Whenever fishery managers propose regulations that restrict anglers’ landings, someone will always complain that such rules are not needed, and challenge the data on which they are based. While biological data, such as stock assessments, receive some criticism, most anglers’ rancor is reserved for the National Marine Fisheries Service’s (NMFS) […]

The Straight Dope on Fluke

The Straight Dope on Fluke

Be careful what you wish for… you just might get it I hesitate to write about fluke again, but given the woefully inadequate press on the issue, and the current focus by politicians, who clearly aren’t getting the whole story, I think it’s important anglers understand the situation, and what’s at stake here. Let me […]