Endgame for Blueback Herring

Endgame for Blueback Herring

Top Photo: Pair Trawlers off Rhode Island, by Mike Laptew. I have been working on river herring-related issues for the past 25 years and was one of the first anglers/conservationists to jump up and call attention to the fact that river herring were disappearing rapidly before our eyes. We are quite literally at the bottom […]

I Kid You Not, Cod Fishing is Hot

I Kid You Not, Cod Fishing is Hot

Photo: Steve Brustein and Capt. Dave Monti with cod caught at the East Fishing Grounds three miles east of Block Island on No Fluke Charters. Cod fishing is good off the Rhode Island coast. Contraire to what is being experienced in the Gulf of Maine, cod fishing for recreational anglers off Rhode Island has been […]

2-for-1? Sounds Good, But Don’t Take the Bait

2-for-1? Sounds Good, But Don’t Take the Bait

How the Administration’s Actions Could Affect our Fisheries Top Photo: Arizona Aubrey with a Tillamook Bay sturgeon We’ve all been victims of regulation, and when President Trump rolled out his “1 new regulation in, 2 old ones out” executive order, I wasn’t sure that was such a bad idea. But then I got educated. In […]

Will “Steepness” Stymie Opponents of Fluke Regulations?

Will “Steepness” Stymie Opponents of Fluke Regulations?

If there is one constant in mid-Atlantic fisheries management, it is that restrictions on the recreational summer flounder harvest will always be controversial. That is particularly true in 2017, after six years of below-average recruitment—the number of young fish entering the population—has caused the population to decline to just 58% of the target level, forcing […]

At ASMFC, Fluke Wins, Striped Bass Loses

At ASMFC, Fluke Wins, Striped Bass Loses

The Difference Between These Two Species Shows Why We Desperately Need to Keep Federal Law Intact Just back from Alexandria, VA… So while all of this is still fresh in my head, I thought I’d get it down. First, summer flounder (aka fluke): As readers likely know, there’s been lots of controversy here. Because… well, […]

Summer Flounder Testing Our Resolve?

Summer Flounder Testing Our Resolve?

Summer flounder (like these caught on the author’s charter boat) have had a declining spawning biomass for six years. New regulation options aim to reduce harvest limits, putting fish first to rebuild the fishery. It’s post-inauguration and the dust hasn’t settled. In fact, nothing is settled. It’s more like a whirlwind. My greatest fear is […]