With Striped Bass, We’d Better Pay Attention

With Striped Bass, We’d Better Pay Attention

Opening Up Federal Waters off Montauk/Block Island to Striped Bass Harvest is Another Bad Idea These days, even the most novice striped bass anglers understand that harvest of striped bass in “federal” waters (from three miles out to 200) is against the law. Such area has been designated as the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). It’s […]

Holy Mackerel!

Holy Mackerel!

Did another large-scale fishery really just develop right under our noses? Picking up from where I left off in my last post… I wanted to give readers a rundown on what happened during the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council meeting earlier this month, or at least the “Unmanaged Forage” portion of it. If you read my […]

And the Fluke Hits the Fan: With Summer Flounder, is it Really Time to Panic?

And the Fluke Hits the Fan: With Summer Flounder, is it Really Time to Panic?

I’ve been raving about the fluke (summer flounder) fishing for several years now. Because it’s been pretty darn good! I mean, it’s basically been a completely different fishery than it was 10 years ago. Simply put, there have been dramatically more and larger fish around, up until fairly recently anyway. It certainly wasn’t always this […]

“Reasonable Access” to Fisheries? What H.R. 1335 Really Means

“Reasonable Access” to Fisheries? What H.R. 1335 Really Means

Early this month the House of Representatives, pretty much on straight party lines, voted out H.R. 1335, the Strengthening Fishing Communities and Increasing Flexibility in Fisheries Management Act. First, let me start by saying that most of the recommended tweaks to federal fishery management law in this piece of legislation are just bad for anglers. […]