We Must Take Action: Support Those Who Support Oceans and Fish

We Must Take Action: Support Those Who Support Oceans and Fish

Top photo: pilot whale with a rescue team from the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, FL. The ocean means a lot to a lot of people. Here’s why it means so much to me and how climate change and its impact on fish and habitat fit in. For years I had a scallop recreational fishing license on […]

Year Ends on Positive Note for the Fish

Year Ends on Positive Note for the Fish

Warming water has brought an abundance of black sea bass to the northeast, like this one caught by Lucia Wong of Cambridge, MA, which she caught when fishing with Capt. Dave Monti. Two initiatives underway in the U.S. House are making the fish very happy at years’ end: Rep. Jared Huffman’s (D-CA) national listening tour […]

Rep. Huffman’s Listening Sessions Foster Meaningful Discussions Around Federal Fisheries Management

Rep. Huffman’s Listening Sessions Foster Meaningful Discussions Around Federal Fisheries Management

Listening Session in Seattle. Photo by Kevin Scribner. As 2019 comes to a close, the future of our federal fisheries policy looks like it’s heading in the right direction for 2020. Representative Jared Huffman (D-CA), who is chair of the House Subcommittee on Water, Oceans and Wildlife, began his nationwide tour in October to listen […]

A View from the Hill: November 2019

A View from the Hill: November 2019

Photo courtesy of the Architect of the Capitol We sailed through summer and are now well into fall. We want to catch you up on a fair amount of action both on and off the Hill. As you may recall, much of May and June was focused on marking up and passing annual appropriation bills […]

A Recipe Fail: ‘Oysters Federal Inaction’

A Recipe Fail: ‘Oysters Federal Inaction’

Photo via BBC World Service To celebrate the end of national seafood month, I wanted to provide a recipe for one of my favorite Louisiana seafood dishes that was created right here in New Orleans in 1889: Oysters Rockefeller. The only problem is that the historic flooding of the Mississippi River has wiped out this […]

Helping Managers and Fishermen Cope with Climate Change (Part 2)

Helping Managers and Fishermen Cope with Climate Change (Part 2)

Top photo: Captains DeFusco and Sprengle of East Coast Charters with a wahoo they caught in warm August water off Rhode Island. Read the first installment of this two-part series. What climate change impacts are fishermen experiencing and what scientists are doing to help fisheries managers and fishermen prepare is the focus of this article. But […]

Feeling Climate Change in U.S. Waters (Part 1)

Feeling Climate Change in U.S. Waters (Part 1)

Top Photo: A warm water “blob” in 2014 forced sea lion mothers to forage further from their rookeries in the Channel Islands off Southern California. Hungry pups set out on their own, but many became stranded on area beaches. Photo and caption via NOAA Fisheries. Last year our oceans absorbed 93 percent of the heat […]