A Fishmonger’s Celebration of National Seafood Month

A Fishmonger’s Celebration of National Seafood Month

National Seafood Month has arrived, and we have much to celebrate across America, especially here in the Pacific Northwest. Our region is blessed with an abundance of seafood, from the salmon, halibut, and spot prawns harvested wild in Alaska to sustainably farmed manila clams, oysters and geoduck from Washington. The varieties are endless and the […]

Rep. Peltola Steps Up for Bristol Bay

Rep. Peltola Steps Up for Bristol Bay

On May 1, 2024 Rep. Mary Peltola (D-AK) introduced a bill, titled the “Bristol Bay Protection Act,” in the House of Representatives. Such legislation, if passed and signed into law, would finally end the long-running conflict that has pitted proponents of the so-called “Pebble Mine” against Alaska Native peoples and others who have long harvested, […]

Salmon, Subsistence, Pebble Mine & More: Watch the Waterside Chat with SalmonState’s Melanie Brown

Salmon, Subsistence, Pebble Mine & More: Watch the Waterside Chat with SalmonState’s Melanie Brown

SalmonState’s Melanie Brown joined the Marine Fish Conservation Network for an online Waterside Chat on January 23rd, 2024. Melanie fishes commercially in Bristol Bay in Alaska, the fourth generation of her family to make a living on the water. In her role as outreach director at SalmonState, Melanie builds spheres of influence to address marine […]

Join Our January Waterside Chat with Melanie Brown; Watch our December Chat with Kevin Scribner

Join Our January Waterside Chat with Melanie Brown; Watch our December Chat with Kevin Scribner

Join us on January 23rd for the Marine Fish Conservation Network’s next online Waterside Chat, featuring Alaska’s Melanie Brown, outreach director at SalmonState. Besides her work with Salmon State, Melanie also fishes commercially in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Her children are now following in her footsteps as fifth-generation fishermen. Melanie and host Tom Sadler will talk […]

From High Seas to Hill Pleas

From High Seas to Hill Pleas

I recently got back from Washington, DC. I’ve gone there on many occasions, lobbying for change such as the Salmon Solutions Planning Act, addressing the depletion of Snake River salmon and how to remedy it, shoring up the Endangered Species Act so we have a critical regulatory backstop to prevent the extinction of species such […]

The Changing Face of Sportfishing

The Changing Face of Sportfishing

When I first started my guide business over 27 years ago, I knew switching professions from a field biologist that strived to conserve salmon, to becoming reliant on the health of a natural resource for consumptive use, was a risk. I was willing to accept that risk because, hey, I was skipping out of work […]

Buffeting Winds in Bristol Bay: 2023

Buffeting Winds in Bristol Bay: 2023

This article was originally published on August 10, 2023 on One Fish Foundation’s blog and is reprinted with permission. Imagine being a commercial fish harvester in Bristol Bay in 2023. I have spoken with several over the past few years, and just recently to get a sense of how they address different challenges. I’ve distilled […]

Buffeting Winds in Bristol Bay: 2023

Buffeting Winds in Bristol Bay: 2023

This article was originally published on August 10, 2023 on One Fish Foundation’s blog and is reprinted here with permission. Imagine being a commercial fish harvester in Bristol Bay in 2023. I have spoken with several over the past few years, and just recently spoke with them again to get a sense of how they […]