America’s Small-Boat Fisheries: Making Sustainable Seafood More Traceable & Delicious

America’s Small-Boat Fisheries: Making Sustainable Seafood More Traceable & Delicious

Alaskans Own fisherman Gregg Jones of the F/V Sea Miner unloads his catch of coho salmon. Photo credit: Alyssa Russell. Buying seafood can be complicated. Where was it caught? When was it caught? How was it caught? Who caught it? Oftentimes, shoppers are left with no clear answers to these questions, which is why small-boat […]

Giving Back

Giving Back

I’ve been a recreational shark fisherman since the late 1970s. Over that time I and the folks who fish with me have caught a lot of fish. We’ve caught blue sharks and sandbars, common threshers and duskies, shortfin makos and tigers. We’ve caught bizarre-looking hammerheads, and we’ve had whites that weighed more than a ton […]

Of The Sea

Of The Sea

Surfers, divers, fishers… This is our legacy. So speak the hell up! My name is John McMurray, and I’m an ocean-junkie. I make a living from the sea. And saltwater courses though my veins. Almost every day, I get my fix – when the alarm-clock starts screaming at 3am; when I start the engine up; […]

Know Your Fisher

Know Your Fisher

As a fisheries organizer, there’s one question I get at almost every public event I’m a part of: “What is one thing that I can do to help fish and fishermen?” It’s a tough question to answer and one that I’m sure I will hear a lot during this October, which happens to be National […]