What’s in Your Wallet?

What’s in Your Wallet?

I spent a fair part of my Wednesday driving down to Oregon’s capital, Salem, to testify in front of the House Special Committee on Small Business Growth. Yeah, I know, first time I’ve heard of it too. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to address this special committee, especially since we were the only game […]

Feeding the Fish: NMFS’s New Forage Fish Rule

Feeding the Fish: NMFS’s New Forage Fish Rule

Photo: Pacific Sand Lance The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) this month finalized a new rule put together by the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) that protects forage fish between California and Washington. On the West Coast, we’re celebrating. Forage fish are the little marine critters that transfer energy up the food chain – from […]

The Best Birthday Present Ever: Preserve the Integrity of the Magnuson-Stevens Act

The Best Birthday Present Ever: Preserve the Integrity of the Magnuson-Stevens Act

Photo: From left to right, Bob Rees, Paul Englemeyer & Lyf Gildersleeve It’s different here, in Washington DC. I don’t often find myself traveling 3,000 miles for a birthday party, but here I am, walking the halls of Congress, telling the Oregon delegation of the importance of preserving the most important components of the Magnuson-Stevens […]

Historic Week for Fish in the Pacific Northwest

Historic Week for Fish in the Pacific Northwest

Last week, as we celebrated 40 candles on the cake for the Magnuson Stevens Act, Oregonians got some pretty significant wins for fish just prior. It’s been a long time coming, and even for common-sense measures such as dam breaching and protecting our forage base, it takes a long time and an incredible amount of […]

My Fishing Past, Our Sustainable Future

My Fishing Past, Our Sustainable Future

Photo: Keven Scribner on the Antigone in the 1970s I began commercially fishing in 1976, the year when the original Magnuson Act was signed into law. Chasing salmon, I fished in both Washington state and federal waters, and quickly became acquainted with circumscribed fishing seasons, specific opening times, gear-type restrictions and allowable catch limits. Regulation […]

Part Two: Magnuson and Me

Part Two: Magnuson and Me

This post continues Charles Witek’s two-part personal journey in U.S. fisheries management and conservation. Read Part One here. I had gotten more and more involved with fisheries conservation over the years. By 1996, I sat on the executive board of the Coastal Conservation Association (CCA), an organization that had worked hard to get SFA signed […]