Menhaden Madness

Menhaden Madness

Bass with bunker. Photo by Capt. John McMurray. Are managers seriously thinking about increasing the menhaden quota again? I’m not gonna waste any space here this time talking about all the benefits of recent menhaden concentrations. Not just because I’ve already done that here, but really, anyone who fishes at all gets it. Massive schools […]

The Albies are Coming!

The Albies are Coming!

We live in an amazing world. After a two-year tuna hiatus, I finally got to go out in pursuit of albacore off of the Oregon coast. Albacore, despite its incredible fighting power and deliciousness, is still supposed to be a second-class fish amongst avid salmon and steelhead (cold water) anglers. But anyone who actually has […]

Who Has the Right to Manage Red Snapper?

Who Has the Right to Manage Red Snapper?

Louisiana Congressman Garret Graves is the primary sponsor of H.R. 3094, legislation that would strip the National Marine Fisheries Service of its authority to manage red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico, and to turn that authority over to the five Gulf states. Rep. Graves has provided a number of justifications in support of such […]

Learning Lessons from Red Snapper and HR 3094

Learning Lessons from Red Snapper and HR 3094

Photo: Red Snapper in Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary, by Greg McFall/NOAA. Out here on the West Coast, we’ve been watching the Gulf Coast red snapper management battle with a keen interest. It’s been an ugly one. Fishing sectors pitted against one another. Fundamental disagreements on whether management is necessary, let alone effective. And an […]

Independence Day…Fact or Fiction?

Independence Day…Fact or Fiction?

Does it take aliens for us to protect our natural resources? Photo Credit: Dan Cherry, of the NW Sportfishing Industry Association Independence Day used to be one of my favorite movies, and one of my favorite holidays, too. Now, because of the sequel, and because this holiday’s fireworks festivities in my new neighborhood shook the […]

‘Localized Depletion’

‘Localized Depletion’

We all get it… So why they hell don’t fisheries managers? Top photo by John McMurray Localized depletion… Pretty self-explanatory right? You scoop up tons and tons of bait fish in a pretty specific area, then they just aren’t there anymore. Sure, some may remain, maybe even a good amount. But those big schooling concentrations […]