The Last Little Fish

The Last Little Fish

Michael O’ Leary with a Tillamook Bay spring Chinook from June 2016 Some funny things happened in this last election. Besides the obvious, not all of the votes went the way you would think. One of my fellow Marine Fish Conservation Network bloggers mentioned on a recent call, that a district that voted strongly for […]

‘Make Fishing Great Again’

‘Make Fishing Great Again’

Recent menhaden concentrations give us a glimpse of how good it can be, and how good we can make it. Top Photo: Bass with bunker, by John McMurray All pun intended in that title, but yes, the election is over… And that’s good, ’cause I’m damn tired of it. So let’s move on, and focus […]

It’s a New Day

It’s a New Day

Photo: pro guide Chris Vertopoulos with a Wilson River Chinook, late October 2016 What’s Ahead for Recreational Sports Men & Women? The election is over. At least the crazy election ads are no longer playing. Most in the conservation community are reeling from the election results for fear of massive rollbacks in conservation efforts, but […]

When Politicians Engage In Fisheries Management

When Politicians Engage In Fisheries Management

Over the past half-dozen years, the summer flounder stock has been having some problems, although most anglers probably didn’t notice until the last season or two. Annual trawl surveys conducted by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) revealed that summer flounder spawning success had been below average in every year between 2010 and 2015, the […]

A Time to Get Chummy

A Time to Get Chummy

Photo: Jackson Curran with a colorful Kilchis River chum salmon from October 22nd, 2016 Chum salmon remain the big question mark in my opinion. As you’ve likely heard me gripe about before, when I first entered the professional field of pursuing fish (I’m a 20-year fishing guide), chum salmon were one of the first wild […]

Living And Fishing With Giants

Living And Fishing With Giants

Photo: the Block Island windfarm is nearly complete… now communities and fishermen are learning to live with the turbines. The first ocean wind farm in our nation is now built and almost operational off the cost of Block Island, Rhode Island. Now we are learning how to live and fish with these giant wind turbines. […]