Of The Sea

Of The Sea

Surfers, divers, fishers… This is our legacy. So speak the hell up! My name is John McMurray, and I’m an ocean-junkie. I make a living from the sea. And saltwater courses though my veins. Almost every day, I get my fix – when the alarm-clock starts screaming at 3am; when I start the engine up; […]

Know Your Fisher

Know Your Fisher

As a fisheries organizer, there’s one question I get at almost every public event I’m a part of: “What is one thing that I can do to help fish and fishermen?” It’s a tough question to answer and one that I’m sure I will hear a lot during this October, which happens to be National […]

A Toxic Pastime?

A Toxic Pastime?

Striped bass unite us on the East Coast. For thousands of years these hearty fish have made their impressive migration from the Mid-Atlantic Bight to Southern New England and north to the Gulf of Maine. Stripers have a curiously strong magnetic pull. They draw hoards of anglers to the coast. They drive us to spend […]

How to NOT Catch a whale: Fishermen Find Solutions to Whales Stealing their Fish

How to NOT Catch a whale: Fishermen Find Solutions to Whales Stealing their Fish

Photo: Sperm whale with calf, by Gabriel Barathieu via Wikipedia Typically, a fisherman just needs to worry about catching fish; they are the top predator. That’s not the case for longline fishermen in the Gulf of Alaska, however. Hungry sperm whales have learned over time how to remove the highly prized sablefish (which fetches an […]