Learning the Language of Fisheries

Learning the Language of Fisheries

Atlantic bluefin tuna, photo courtesy of Wikipedia When I was a senior in high school, my German class trekked into Manhattan to attend a play based on the Franz Kafka novel, Der Prozess. I didn’t have a clue about what was going on. Kafka’s work can be difficult enough to understand, even in translation. I […]

The FISH Act Smells Fishy

The FISH Act Smells Fishy

Among the first things I learned about fisheries management is that fish moving across jurisdictional boundaries present a challenge. Whether in rivers and streams, in the ocean, or migrating between the two, the arbitrary boundaries the U.S. has devised sometimes aren’t malleable enough to accommodate the lifecycle and behavior of fish species that cross between […]

S. 1520: The Trojan Horse

S. 1520: The Trojan Horse

Fisheries bill could pave the way for harmful reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Act For well over a year, anglers and federal legislators have been the targets of a sophisticated and very well-funded public relations effort designed to convince them to support the so-called “Modern Fish Act,” a bill that would weaken key provisions of the […]

Thank God For Bluefish…

Thank God For Bluefish…

Why We Should Be Focusing On Fish In The Water, Rather Than Extraction While it’s probably not great for business for me to admit it, I’ve gotta be honest, on the striped bass front, it’s been tough going this spring. Lots of small fish around, but those 30-plus inch fish, (I’m talking specifically about the […]

Alaskans Understand that Science-Based Fisheries Management is Just Common Sense

Alaskans Understand that Science-Based Fisheries Management is Just Common Sense

Noah Sunflower at the Bristol Bay Fish Expo gathering signatures for a Magnuson-Stevens Act sign-on letter, including one from former Senator Mark Begich. Last Friday at 6:00 a.m. I set up a folding table and covered it in stickers, flyers, and smoked salmon and cream cheese bagels because it was “Anchorage Bike to Work Day.” […]

The Last Buffalo Hunt

The Last Buffalo Hunt

Photo: Tony Friedrich and fluke My boat sits on the Southern end of a decent-sized island in the Chesapeake Bay. When my bare feet touch the aging fiberglass deck, I feel at home. Securing the gear, warming up the engines, and throwing the lines is a cathartic experience. Basically, I can’t wipe the smile from […]

Gulf States Advance Red Snapper Exempted Fishing Permits

Gulf States Advance Red Snapper Exempted Fishing Permits

Red snapper has been the center of a “who can manage it better” battle for the last several years. In federal waters, red snapper management is dictated by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) and falls under the jurisdiction of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Despite a successful track history of […]