Watch our Waterside Chat about Bristol Bay and Pebble Mine

Watch our Waterside Chat about Bristol Bay and Pebble Mine

As news of a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency decision about Bristol Bay and Pebble Mine broke last week, Sam Snyder of the Wild Salmon Center and Scott Hed with Businesses for Bristol Bay joined Waterside Chat host Tom Sadler on May 25th for a wide-ranging and highly informative discussion about the bay and the people […]

Restoring Resilience: Anglers Must Lead on Climate Change

Restoring Resilience: Anglers Must Lead on Climate Change

This article first appeared in Moldy Chum and is reprinted with permission. Top photo: Fly fishing on the South Fork of the Boise River, Idaho At the end of February, the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released another massive report — this one pulled together by researchers from 67 countries — describing […]

Newest Amendment to ASMFC’s Striped Bass Management Plan Emphasizes Conservation

Newest Amendment to ASMFC’s Striped Bass Management Plan Emphasizes Conservation

On Wednesday, March 4, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board (Management Board) completed its work on Amendment 7 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Striped Bass (Amendment 7). Amendment 7 maintains the conservation measures adopted in earlier amendments, while embracing additional improvements to striped bass management that promote […]

Magnuson-Stevens: Is Familiarity Breeding Contempt?

Magnuson-Stevens: Is Familiarity Breeding Contempt?

People too often take things for granted, depreciating what they have simply because it’s familiar; sometimes, things must be seen through someone else’s eyes before they are fully appreciated. That certainly seems to be true of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens). When the Sustainable Fisheries Act of 1996 (SFA) became law, amending […]

Watch Our Waterside Chat with Rick Crawford

Watch Our Waterside Chat with Rick Crawford

On April 20, 2022, the Network’s Tom Sadler hosted Rick Crawford, creator of The Sustainable Angler podcast and founder of the Fly Fishing Climate Alliance, for a Waterside Chat. Listen to their discussion below to learn about: Rick’s love of the Low Country, and how his concern for his children’s future there drives his work. […]

Rick Crawford Joins Tom Sadler for a Waterside Chat April 20th

Rick Crawford Joins Tom Sadler for a Waterside Chat April 20th

The Network’s new Waterside Chat series continues on April 20th at 3pm Eastern, when Rick Crawford joins host Tom Sadler to talk about the fly-fishing industry’s efforts to address climate change, how Rick helps businesses reduce their carbon footprint, and much more. Register now to take part in this free online discussion. Rick is the […]

Multifaceted Project Will Inform and Strengthen Pacific Billfish Conservation

Multifaceted Project Will Inform and Strengthen Pacific Billfish Conservation

Top photo: Larval shortbill spearfish less than one quarter-inch long collected in surface slicks in West Hawai’i. Photo: NOAA Fisheries/Jonathan Whitney Introducing the Wild Oceans Kona Project This piece first appeared on the Wild Oceans website As fishermen, we are inherently curious about the fish we pursue. Where are they going? Where are they coming […]

Unseemly Haste: Recreational Reform in the Mid-Atlantic

Unseemly Haste: Recreational Reform in the Mid-Atlantic

The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens) has governed federal fishery management since 1976, but for its first 20 years, it was largely ineffective, encouraging the growth of a large, overcapitalized domestic fishing fleet while doing little or nothing to prevent the decline of once-abundant fish stocks. Recognizing Magnuson-Stevens’ shortcomings, Congress eventually passed the […]