Message to NOAA: Time to Prioritize Climate-Ready Fisheries

Message to NOAA: Time to Prioritize Climate-Ready Fisheries

This piece first appeared on NRDC’s expert blog and is reprinted with permission. Top photo by John McMurray. Healthy fish populations are building blocks of a healthy ocean. They support marine ecosystems, including other wildlife like whales and seabirds. They are also engines of our coastal economies and the communities that rely on them, with […]

The Strange Appeal of Mediocre Fisheries Management

The Strange Appeal of Mediocre Fisheries Management

We were trying to protect the blowfish, and for a few hours, it looked like we would. Then things got derailed by a group of folks who clung to the status quo. Blowfish, more properly known as “northern puffer,” range along the entire eastern seaboard of the United States, although they’re probably most common between […]

Rebuilding Striped Bass

Rebuilding Striped Bass

Photo by Kyle Schaefer In April 2019, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board (Management Board) accepted a benchmark stock assessment that found the striped bass stock to be both overfished and subject to overfishing. The Management Board acted quickly to reduce fishing mortality and end overfishing, but was much […]

Representation Matters in Fisheries Management

Representation Matters in Fisheries Management

Science-based fisheries management has been the key to maintaining long-term healthy and abundant fisheries upon which coastal and Indigenous communities depend. The law that ensures the successful and sustainable science-based management of U.S. federal fisheries is the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, which has been evolving since it first passed in 1976 to end […]

Watch: Fishing Guide & AFFTA Executive Director Lucas Bissett Joins Tom Sadler for a Waterside Chat

Watch: Fishing Guide & AFFTA Executive Director Lucas Bissett Joins Tom Sadler for a Waterside Chat

Capt. Lucas Bissett joined host Tom Sadler on September 28, 2022 for latest of the Network’s monthly Waterside Chats (now available as a podcast). Lucas is the executive director of the American Fly Fishing Trade Association, and he’s also an award winning saltwater fly-fishing guide, a member of the Marine Fish Conservation Network’s National Policy […]

NMFS Seeks Angler Input on Recreational Fishing Policy

NMFS Seeks Angler Input on Recreational Fishing Policy

Photo by John McMurray Most anglers probably don’t realize that the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has a policy that addresses recreational fisheries management (Recreational Policy). Most anglers have probably never even considered the issue. Yet it’s an issue that deserves some thought for, as the introduction to the Recreational Policy notes, “The purpose of […]

Thoughts on Climate Change Planning, Resilience & Forage Fish

Thoughts on Climate Change Planning, Resilience & Forage Fish

Managers Take Up Next Phase of East Coast Climate Change Scenario Planning This article was originally published in Wild Oceans’ The Horizon newsletter and is reprinted with permission. View the latest issue and past issues of The Horizon. Top photo: Atlantic menhaden. After the East Coast Climate Scenario Creation Workshop (held June 21-23), I left […]