Can Science-Based Policy Address Bering Sea Seafood Challenges?

Can Science-Based Policy Address Bering Sea Seafood Challenges?

This piece comes to us from fisherman Alexus Kwachka of Kodiak, Alaska (photo above, bio below) and is the latest installment in the Network’s National Seafood Month series. The natural world is the ultimate source of our food, our drinking water, the very air we breathe, and everything we create for our consumption. In short, […]

National Seafood Month – A Retrospective on the Resilience of Our Industry (Part I)

National Seafood Month – A Retrospective on the Resilience of Our Industry (Part I)

Lyf and salmon with Portland in the background Part I: The Providers For those of us who catch, cook, or sell fish, National Seafood Month is a key time to reflect on how we’ve fared lately. In normal years we gather to celebrate what we’ve achieved and look back on what has changed. In a […]

A View from the Hill: October 2021

A View from the Hill: October 2021

What a year it’s been so far. While infrastructure and reconciliation remain a focus of Capitol Hill and nearly all of D.C., there has been action on several other Network priorities this past year. In January, a stunned nation and world watched a mob swarm the Capitol building, former President Trump was a impeached a […]

Because It’s Always Easier to Conserve Someone Else’s Fish

Because It’s Always Easier to Conserve Someone Else’s Fish

Top photo by by Mark Conlin, SWFSC Large Pelagics Program In September 2021, at a meeting of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), the United States, supported by the European Union and other nations, proposed that NAFO ban the retention of Greenland sharks accidentally caught in the Arctic and western Atlantic waters that fall under […]

Science-Based Fisheries for Healthy, Productive and Resilient Marine Ecosystems, Now and for Future Generations

Science-Based Fisheries for Healthy, Productive and Resilient Marine Ecosystems, Now and for Future Generations

This article was originally published on The Ocean Project blog and was reprinted with permission. View more articles by The Ocean Project. Photo: Allen M. Shimada, NOAA Photo Library “All management should be for the generation coming, not for the generation that’s here today. If all you can think about is your own next year’s […]

Should the ASMFC Rebuild Striped Bass?

Should the ASMFC Rebuild Striped Bass?

Top photo by John McMurray Over the past few years, it was pretty clear to anyone who regularly fishes for Atlantic striped bass that the stock was declining badly, even before the latest benchmark stock assessment, released in 2019, confirmed what most serious fishermen already suspected—that the stock was overfished and suffering from overfishing. What’s […]

Navigating Toward Healthier Oceans and More Productive Fisheries Requires a Climate Change Response in Management

Navigating Toward Healthier Oceans and More Productive Fisheries Requires a Climate Change Response in Management

By Linda Behnken and Kevin Scribner, MFCN Policy Council co-chairs For the two of us, climate change is top of mind. It impacts the way we do business, the way we think about the ocean resources we depend on, the way we see our communities surviving into the future. We’re going to have to adapt; […]

Bluefish: “Either We Have a Risk Policy Or We Don’t”

Bluefish: “Either We Have a Risk Policy Or We Don’t”

Bluefish photo by John McMurray On Tuesday, June 8, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Bluefish Management Board (Management Board) finalized their joint Atlantic Bluefish Allocation and Rebuilding Amendment (amendment). When the amendment process began in 2017, it only addressed allocation, but after a 2019 operational stock assessment […]