In Fisheries, The “Best Scientific Information” Should At Least BE Science

In Fisheries, The “Best Scientific Information” Should At Least BE Science

When it comes to fisheries management, you can’t have too much data. The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens) requires that “Conservation and management measures shall be based upon the best scientific information available,” and that’s a good thing. Yet it also creates a problem, for a penny-pinching Congress has long denied the National […]

Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization: There’s No Escaping Reality

Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization: There’s No Escaping Reality

On Monday, December 7, the House Natural Resources Committee held an oversight field hearing in Riverhead, New York. Entitled “Restoring Atlantic Fisheries and Protecting the Regional Seafood Economy,” it illuminated the debate surrounding reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens). The Committee had already approved H.R. 1335, the so-called Strengthening Fishing Communities […]

Unmanaged Forage Fish: Does Optimum Yield Equal Zero?

Unmanaged Forage Fish: Does Optimum Yield Equal Zero?

Fisheries managers are finally paying attention to forage fish, the myriad species of small fish, squid and crustaceans that the predators need to survive. At the federal level, the Pacific Fishery Management Council got the ball rolling with its Comprehensive Ecosystem-Based Amendment 1: Protecting Unfished and Unmanaged Forage Fish Species. That Amendment would prevent the […]