Summertime NOT in the City

Summertime NOT in the City

Heading to the coast for fishing and fresh seafood When the first heat waves in Oregon besiege the cities, it’s time to exit the Willamette Valley and head to the coast, where the ocean breeze is sure to satisfy, and not just in soothing temperatures. Coming off of summer solstice (June 21), the theme of […]

North to Neah Bay

North to Neah Bay

Photo: Bob Rees with a Neah Bay halibut, caught on May 21st, 2017 I have often written about how fortunate I am to have the job that I do. I get to go into communities all across the region and talk to people about fish conservation issues. In the last few years, I’ve gone to […]

Working Waterfronts ‘Spring’ to Life

Working Waterfronts ‘Spring’ to Life

Photo: Harbor in Newport, Oregon. Photo via Wikipedia. After a long and harsh winter, coastal businesses and ports are finally getting their well-welcomed rush of visitors. I was one of those visitors this week, as I went down to talk to my colleagues about the Magnuson-Stevens Act. Despite being a weekday, much to my surprise, […]

Strong Laws for a Sustainable Fishing Future

Strong Laws for a Sustainable Fishing Future

I remain a bit perplexed as to why our Pacific Coast groundfish remain so less controversial than those on the east coast. Having just come from another trip to Washington, DC, where both sport and commercial fishers were “working the hill” on Magnuson-Stevens reauthorization, it was good to see the common goal of preserving such […]