Stumbling Through Disaster

Stumbling Through Disaster

How I Spent my Time During California’s 2015-16 Dungeness Crab Fishery Closure There’s a children’s book called Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day that I used to read to my kids. We just had about 155 such days here in California. November Right before the commercial Dungeness crab season was about […]

Conservation vs. Preservation: Protecting Fish & Fishermen from Species Collapse

Conservation vs. Preservation: Protecting Fish & Fishermen from Species Collapse

On 4 May, U.S. Federal District Court Judge Michael Simon ruled for fishing and conservation groups on every major issue in a long-standing landmark lawsuit, National Wildlife Federation, et al. vs. National Marine Fisheries Service, et al., challenging the most recent version of the federal Columbia-Snake River Salmon Recovery Plan and Biological Opinion (the “Columbia […]

Red Snapper: Fishing Outside The Box

Red Snapper:  Fishing Outside The Box

Today, red snapper management in the Gulf of Mexico may be the most bitterly debated issue in fisheries management. By 1990, the stock was badly overfished. Abundance had fallen so low that the population retained only 2.6% of its spawning potential. Since then, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) implemented a successful recovery plan. Spawning […]

Fisheries Bits and Bites

Fisheries Bits and Bites

For this week’s post, there are several fish-related topics I’d like to briefly touch upon: On MSA – You know that feeling after the candles are all blown out, all the leftover chocolate cake is consumed and the party is over, and you have to go back to work? Well, it’s been a fun party, […]