Gulf Chef Speaks Out Against The RED SNAPPER Act

Gulf Chef Speaks Out Against The RED SNAPPER Act

A recent report in Undercurrent News revealed that both the US seafood industry and conservation groups are opposed to HR 3588, or the RED SNAPPER Act. The bill, introduced by Louisiana’s Garret Graves, would transfer management of the red snapper recreational fishery in the Gulf of Mexico from a federal fisheries management council to several […]

We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us

We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us

MSA Bill Moving in Congress Doesn’t Conserve Our Fisheries Top photo by John McMurray If you are the same age as me, you’ll probably recall an educational series that ran during commercial breaks in Saturday morning cartoons called “Schoolhouse Rock.” One of my favorites was called “I’m Just a Bill,” and it explained how laws […]

Court Watching Over Red Snapper In Gulf

Court Watching Over Red Snapper In Gulf

On December 20, the parties in a federal lawsuit challenging the Department of Commerce’s (Commerce) decision to reopen the 2017 private boat red snapper season in the Gulf of Mexico reached a settlement that should bring an end to the litigation while protecting the red snapper resource. For those unfamiliar with the facts leading up […]

The Face of the Modern Fish Act, Revealed

The Face of the Modern Fish Act, Revealed

For more than six months, representatives of the recreational fishing industry and various anglers’ rights organizations have been telling recreational fishermen to support something that they call the “Modern Fish Act,” a bill more formally known as H.R. 2023, the Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Management Act of 2017M (Act). Like one of those miraculous diets that […]

Fisheries Management Gone Right

Fisheries Management Gone Right

It’s been about two months since I’ve spent any measureable time on the water here in Oregon. Can’t say I felt I was missing much, when late-run Chinook catches were grim, the rivers were high, and the rain cold and ample. Even the drive down from Portland to the coast tonight seemed unusually long. Been […]

‘Modern Fish Act’… Not Okay

‘Modern Fish Act’… Not Okay

Top photo: Bluefish are managed under the Magnuson-Stevens Act. Supporters of the Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Management Act try and unify anglers around the bill… But it sure as hell ain’t good for most of “us” Let me start this off by saying things seem pretty dark lately. They always do for me during this time […]