Fisheries Management: Checks and Balances

Fisheries Management:  Checks and Balances

Somewhere back in grade school, we all learned that the United States government is composed of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. All three branches have equal standing; none is superior to the others. Article I of the Constitution of the United States vested all legislative power in the Senate and House of Representatives. Article […]

Recreational Anglers Say, “Keep MSA Conservation Strong”

Recreational Anglers Say, “Keep MSA Conservation Strong”

The Symposium panel included Charles Witek, Esq., author/blogger and recreational fisherman, West Babylon, NY; Russel Dunn, NOAA Fisheries, National Policy Advisor on Recreational Fisheries; Ben Bulis, President, American Fly Fishing Trade Association; John McMurray, Charter Captain, One More Cast Charters, Oceanside, NY, member of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and author; Chris Macaluso, Director, […]

The Allocation Morass

The Allocation Morass

Everybody wants more fish. Commercial fishermen make more money when they can harvest more product, while recreational fishermen have long cast envious glances at the commercial harvest, and tried, by various means, to convert some of those commercial landings into their own. It’s not just an inter-sector conflict. In both commercial and recreational fisheries, there […]

Fisheries Policy at Fisher Poets

Fisheries Policy at Fisher Poets

Photo: Astoria harbor and bridge, via Flickr/Wikipedia. Astoria, Oregon is the perfect setting for turning back the clocks to reminisce on the old ways of the fishermen. This place used to house the saltiest people of the sea who nestled into town after crossing the world’s most dangerous intersection where the grand Columbia River enters […]

Chefs Speak Out For Well-Managed Fisheries

Chefs Speak Out For Well-Managed Fisheries

Chefs by nature are not usually interested in taking political stances. As many of them are business owners, they are loathe to run the risk of alienating 50 percent or more of the population, all of whom are potential customers. The margins for restaurants are already razor thin, so even the slightest drop in business […]