Recreational Bycatch: It’s Real

Recreational Bycatch:  It’s Real

Some words bring very clear pictures to mind. In a fisheries context, the word ‘bycatch’ evokes images of industrial-scale commercial fisheries, where miles-long pelagic longlines take an unintended toll of sharks, billfish, and even marine mammals, while factory trawlers sweep the ocean floor with vast nets that scoop up anything that happens to lie, crawl, […]

Proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary Continues to Move Forward

Proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary Continues to Move Forward

Top photo: View of Cojo Anchorage in the proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary. (Image credit: Robert Schwemmer/NOAA) On September 6, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released the final environmental impact statement (EIS), outlining the environmental impacts of the proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary. The final EIS is an important and necessary […]

ASMFC Votes to Ignore Best Available Fisheries Science

ASMFC Votes to Ignore Best Available Fisheries Science

On Wednesday, August 14, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Management Board voted to ignore the results of the Black Sea Bass 2024 Management Track Stock Assessment Report (Management Track Assessment), and leave the acceptable biological catch (ABC) and annual catch limit (ACL) for 2025 unchanged from […]

Magnuson-Stevens in a Post-Chevron World

Magnuson-Stevens in a Post-<Em>Chevron</Em> World

After June 28, 2024, when the United States Supreme Court handed down its decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo (Loper Bright), some of the commentary in both the popular press and various legal publications made it sound as if the sky had fallen. One opinion article in the Tampa Bay Times went so far […]

FISH Act Helps Ready the U.S. Seafood Industry for the Future

FISH Act Helps Ready the U.S. Seafood Industry for the Future

Rep. Mary Peltola’s reputation as an advocate for fishing and Native Alaskan fishing communities was never more evident than with the introduction of her Fisheries Improvement and Seafood Health (FISH) Act in June 2024. At a time when more and more legislation is introduced to do nothing more than “send a message” about the sponsor’s […]

Building Boom: Congress Funds Regional Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Projects

Building Boom: Congress Funds Regional Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Projects

This article is reprinted with permission from the Wild Oceans Horizon Newsletter Spring 2024. Top photo: river herring The use of ecosystem based fisheries management (EBFM) is widely accepted as the strongest framework for achieving sustainability in fisheries, both in terms of ecological and human well-being. More than a decade ago, the regional fishery management […]

Why Regulate Recreational Fisheries?

Why Regulate Recreational Fisheries?

Photo: Charles Witek in a different era of fishing technology When I was young, marine recreational fisheries, at least in the northeast, were virtually unregulated. There was a 16-inch (fork length) minimum size for striped bass that was in place throughout the region, but other than that, anglers could take as many fish as they […]