Why Regulate Recreational Fisheries?

Why Regulate Recreational Fisheries?

Photo: Charles Witek in a different era of fishing technology When I was young, marine recreational fisheries, at least in the northeast, were virtually unregulated. There was a 16-inch (fork length) minimum size for striped bass that was in place throughout the region, but other than that, anglers could take as many fish as they […]

The Science is the Science

The Science is the Science

Is the Science Perfect? No, But Without It, We Got Noth’n’ Hey, man… I’m gonna admit here that sometimes I have a real hard time understanding the science behind fisheries management decisions. What I mean really is not just the nuts and bolts on how fisheries scientists get to the numbers that they do, but […]

NMFS Finds Errors in Recreational Fishing Data

NMFS Finds Errors in Recreational Fishing Data

It’s impossible to count every fish caught by recreational fishermen, yet accurate recreational catch and landings data are an essential part of the fisheries management process. Thus, saltwater fisheries managers are constantly seeking better estimates of anglers catch, landings, and effort. Currently, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) employs the Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP) […]

Recreational Fishing Economics is All About the Data

Recreational Fishing Economics is All About the Data

Spud Woodward, member of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council and Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, said managing maximum sustainable yield does not work for catch & release fisheries. NMFS Holds First Recreational Fishing Economic Workshop in Nine Years Why is fishing catch and effort data so important to recreational fishing economics? First the obvious, […]

Thoughts on a 28 To 31″ Slot Limit for Stripers

Thoughts on a 28 To 31″ Slot Limit for Stripers

In a Move that Caught Many in the Fishing Business Off-Guard, ASMFC Takes Emergency Action I run a light-tackle charter-fishing operation in New York, so let me start by saying that the striped bass fishing right now is good… I mean, really good! As is generally the case with recreational fisheries, abundance drives participation… and […]

ASMFC’s Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board Faces a Crucial Test

ASMFC’s Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board Faces a Crucial Test

Top photo by John McMurray On the morning of March 30, 2023, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Atlantic Striped Bass Technical Committee (Technical Committee) held a meeting, where it agreed that the currently overfished striped bass population will probably not be rebuilt by the 2029 rebuilding deadline. The news was not a surprise. […]

NOAA’s Turn: Agency Weighs In on Marine Recreational Information Program

NOAA’s Turn: Agency Weighs In on Marine Recreational Information Program

Photo by John McMurray When the Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Management Act (Act) was passed in 2018, it included the provision that The Secretary [of Commerce] shall, within 90 days after the date of the enactment of the Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Management Act of 2018, enter into an agreement with the National Academy of Sciences to […]