Our Blog: From the Waterfront

Join Justin Zeulner of The Wave Foundation for a 2/28 Waterside Chat

Join Justin Zeulner of The Wave Foundation for a 2/28 Waterside Chat

[Update] It’s All About the Food System: Watch the Waterside Chat with Justin Zeulner Previous: Join the Marine Fish Conservation Network’s latest Waterside Chat on February 28th at 3pm ET! The Wave Foundation Founder and President Justin Zeulner joins host Tom Sadler for what promises to be an informative and entertaining online conversation for sure. […]

You Can’t Always Get What You Want…

You Can’t Always Get What You Want…

Do Fishery Managers Actually Listen to the Public? I’ve been there…and it’s incredibly frustrating. For months, you do your best to educate folks on what are often complicated fishery management actions, explaining the options/alternatives that are on the table, and which one(s) will best protect the fishery and serve their/our interests. You urge people to […]

Winter Flounder: Managers Wave the White Flag

Winter Flounder: Managers Wave the White Flag

It’s hard to watch a fishery die, particularly one that you’ve been a part of for virtually all of your life. I’ve long mourned the demise of the Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic (SNEMA) stock of winter flounder. I’m not sure when I caught my first flounder, but if I had to guess, I’d say it was […]

Five Tips for Talking to Kids about Sustainable Seafood

Five Tips for Talking to Kids about Sustainable Seafood

This article can also be found on the One Fish Foundation website, and another version appeared in the Fall 2022 edition of Edible Maine. Every One Fish Foundation class starts with two important points, regardless of whether I’m speaking with elementary school or graduate school students. First, I define sustainable seafood as being local, abundant, […]

Time for a Waterside Chat! With Moldy Chum’s Brian Bennett

Time for a Waterside Chat! With Moldy Chum’s Brian Bennett

Brian Bennett, publisher and editor of the irreverent and much-loved website Moldy Chum, will join host and Network Deputy Director Tom Sadler for a Waterside Chat on January 25 at 1:00 p.m. ET. Reserve your spot today! Brian and Tom plan to talk about AFFTA Fisheries Fund’s Tomorrow’s Fish Campaign and much more, including: Why […]

Building a Better Working Waterfront

Building a Better Working Waterfront

The news just keeps getting better for West Coast groundfish. Ringing in the New Year comes with good news for saltwater anglers in Oregon, and other West Coast ports as well. For starters, the seasonal depth restriction has been lifted, which should excite many anglers. It’s like the good ol’ days all over again, with […]

Mid-Atlantic “Harvest Control Rule” Makes an Awkward Debut, Part II: Confusion at the Council

Mid-Atlantic “Harvest Control Rule” Makes an Awkward Debut, Part II: Confusion at the Council

Read Part I of this two-part series. Top Photo: Black Sea Bass caught off Fire Island Each year, before the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC’s) Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Management Board (Management Board) meet in December to set the recreational specification for the next […]

Mid-Atlantic “Harvest Control Rule” Makes an Awkward Debut, Part I: A Hasty Beginning

Mid-Atlantic “Harvest Control Rule” Makes an Awkward Debut, Part I: A Hasty Beginning

Read Part II of this two-part series. Top Photo: Summer Flounder When the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC’s) Interstate Fishery Management Program Policy Board (Policy Board) met in joint session on June 7, 2022, they approved the so-called “Percent Change Approach” to a “Harvest Control Rule” (Control […]