Our Blog: From the Waterfront

Watch: Social Media for Fisheries Advocacy

Watch: Social Media for Fisheries Advocacy

In the first of a new series of deeper dives into topics related to fisheries advocacy, on February 1, 2024, the Marine Fish Conservation Network shined a light on the complicated social-media landscape for communicators in the fisheries world. This wide-ranging discussion, hosted by Network Digital Consultant Colin Delany with color commentary from Network Deputy […]

Safeguarding Forage: New Action Underway in New England to Protect Critical Forage Fish Species

Safeguarding Forage: New Action Underway in New England to Protect Critical Forage Fish Species

This article is reprinted with permission from the latest edition of the Wild Oceans Horizon newsletter. For the past year, Wild Oceans and a core group of partners built a coalition of more than thirty recreational fishing, watershed, and environmental organizations to bring about a new action to develop near-shore protections for Atlantic herring, river […]

ASMFC Management Authority Challenged by Maryland Lawsuit

ASMFC Management Authority Challenged by Maryland Lawsuit

After the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC’s) Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board adopted Addendum II to Amendment 7 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Striped Bass (Addendum II) in January 2024, it was generally assumed that striped bass management issues would be put on a back burner until a new stock assessment […]

Marine Sanctuary Proposed for Hawai’i’s Globally Significant Marine Monument

Marine Sanctuary Proposed for Hawai’i’s Globally Significant Marine Monument

One of the things I talked with Joel R. Johnson, president and CEO of the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, during our recent Waterside Chat was the potential for a national marine sanctuary in the marine portions of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. On February 29, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released for public comment draft […]

Striped Bass: Lessons from the Last Stock Collapse Could Help Prevent the Next One

Striped Bass: Lessons from the Last Stock Collapse Could Help Prevent the Next One

When the Chesapeake Bay striped bass stock collapsed in the late 1970s, people tried to figure out why. Recreational fishermen were quick to point fingers at the commercial sector, which was not yet burdened by significant regulation. There were no gear restrictions and no annual quotas, and the fishery accounted for a larger share of […]

The Science is the Science

The Science is the Science

Is the Science Perfect? No, But Without It, We Got Noth’n’ Hey, man… I’m gonna admit here that sometimes I have a real hard time understanding the science behind fisheries management decisions. What I mean really is not just the nuts and bolts on how fisheries scientists get to the numbers that they do, but […]