House Starts Dialogue to Build on Magnuson-Stevens Act Success

House Starts Dialogue to Build on Magnuson-Stevens Act Success

Water, Oceans & Wildlife Subcommittee Hearing Recap On Wednesday, May 1, 2019, Chairman Jared Huffman (D-CA) called the Water, Oceans and Wildlife subcommittee to order for a two-panel, educational hearing on “The State of Fisheries.” The first panel focused on illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing – often referred to as IUU fishing. The second panel […]

Tightlined Slam For Conservation

Tightlined Slam For Conservation

Western Long Island Sound fishing Tournament Raises Money for Marine Conservation Top photo by John McMurray The first Tightlined Slam tournament will be occurring September 28-30 at Wilson Cove Marina in Norwalk, CT. This is a catch-and-release only tournament, with the proceeds going to the Marine Fish Conservation Network. A captains’ meeting will be held […]

Join Us at Slow Fish 2018 in San Francisco

Join Us at Slow Fish 2018 in San Francisco

The Marine Fish Conservation Network always enjoys partnering with our friends and colleagues at Slow Food Nations. We had a delicious and informative time with our council member, Kevin Scribner, last year at Slow Fish 2017 in Denver, CO. This year we are excited to promote Slow Fish 2018 in San Francisco, April 14-16, hosted […]

Microfiber Pollution in our Oceans

Microfiber Pollution in our Oceans

Microfiber & other plastic debris threaten ocean wildlife. Photo by Tiago Fioreze, via Wikipedia. As a part-time fishing guide, water is an essential element of my life. What happens to and in the water has a direct impact on the quality of the experience for my clients. As a board member of the American Fly […]

Knowable Unknowns of Fishing Catch Data

Knowable Unknowns of Fishing Catch Data

On January 10, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) released their Review of the Marine Recreational Information Program (known as MRIP). The report takes a comprehensive look at how well MRIP is doing in its goal of “modernizing the survey methods to reduce bias, increase efficiency, and build greater trust with the […]