Fighting for Chum Salmon: AMCC Advocates for Stronger Protections at February NPFMC Meeting

Fighting for Chum Salmon: AMCC Advocates for Stronger Protections at February NPFMC Meeting

This article was adapted from the Alaska Marine Conservation Council’s blog and reposted with permission. Top photo: Alaskabrown bear with chum salmon, by Alan Vernon via Wikipedia At the recent North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) meeting in February, the Alaska Marine Conservation Council (AMCC) testified, urging decisive action to address chum salmon bycatch in […]

The Importance of Telling Our Story

The Importance of Telling Our Story

Our flight banked beside the National Mall on approach as the sun set orange over Washington, D.C. This was my first trip back since I left my job as a Senate staffer eighteen months before. Some of the fishermen flying in with me had never made this landing; some, like me, had seen it many […]