New England Cod: Victims of Uncertainty

New England Cod: Victims of Uncertainty

On Georges Bank and in the Gulf of Maine, cod stocks have collapsed. A stock assessment update released in October 2015 found that the Gulf of Maine stock was experiencing a fishing mortality rate five times the sustainable level, while abundance had fallen to just 5% of the biomass target. The Georges Bank stock is […]

America’s Fish Need NEPA

America’s Fish Need NEPA

The National Environmental Policy Act, informally referred to as “NEPA,” has been called “the Magna Carta of environmental law.” It assures that the public interest in maintaining a healthy environment is protected, by requiring all federal agencies “to incorporate environmental considerations in their planning and decision making,” and compels such agencies to prepare “environmental assessments” […]

State Management Fails Southern Flounder

State Management Fails Southern Flounder

Summer flounder management gets a lot of publicity, and has for the last fifteen years, even though the management of that species has been very successful. But there is another closely related fish, the southern flounder, which gets far less publicity, although its management hasn’t been very successful at all. Summer flounder are managed by […]

A Lesson From Lobsters

A Lesson From Lobsters

In April 2010, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) American Lobster Technical Committee issued a report entitled “Recruitment Failure in The Southern New England Lobster Stock”, which shocked lobster fishermen in the southern New England and mid-Atlantic regions when it stated that “Since the release of the 2009 Assessment, additional monitoring information has been […]

Unreasonable Access

Unreasonable Access

People who attempt to push controversial measures through Congress aren’t fans of straight talk. They rarely set out their goals in plain black-and-white language, preferring words likely to appeal to the public while cloaking their true intent. And then they garnish those words with assurances that their efforts are “reasonable” and merely “common sense.” Recent […]

Maintaining Our Standards

Maintaining Our Standards

The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, which governs all fishing in federal waters, is an extremely long and complex statute.  However, no part of the law is more important than the ten so-called “National Standards” which set forth the principles that shall govern its implementation. Those national standards are brief, and go into no […]