Defending Magnuson-Stevens from the Lame Duck

Defending Magnuson-Stevens from the Lame Duck

The 115th Congress is on its last legs. Both chambers adjourned before the midterm elections to let their members campaign ahead of the vote. Now, they are meeting in a so-called “lame duck session,” which will provide outgoing members, and outgoing majorities, one last chance to pass their priority legislation before the 116th Congress ushers […]

Encouraging Words at ASMFC

Encouraging Words at ASMFC

Photo: Tautog I’ve often been a critic of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC). I don’t criticize the interstate compact that created the ASMFC, nor do I have any bad words for the Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Cooperative Management Act, which gave the ASMFC the authority to bind East Coast states to its interstate fishery […]

Giving Back

Giving Back

I’ve been a recreational shark fisherman since the late 1970s. Over that time I and the folks who fish with me have caught a lot of fish. We’ve caught blue sharks and sandbars, common threshers and duskies, shortfin makos and tigers. We’ve caught bizarre-looking hammerheads, and we’ve had whites that weighed more than a ton […]

Saltwater Anglers: Paying For Conservation?

Saltwater Anglers:  Paying For Conservation?

Ever since April 2017, when the Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Management Act — the so-called “Modern Fish Act” — was introduced in the House of Representatives, anglers have been urged to support the bill, its Senate companion, S. 1520, and the much more dangerous Strengthening Fishing Communities and Increasing Flexibility in Fisheries Management Act, H.R. 200. […]

A Journey To The Unknown: Revised Recreational Catch Data

A Journey To The Unknown:  Revised Recreational Catch Data

Photo by John McMurray For many years, anglers have criticized estimates of recreational fish landings produced by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), which are used by fishery managers to set seasons, bag limits and other regulations. Such anglers typically argue that NMFS overestimates recreational harvest, which results in unnecessary restrictions being placed on recreational […]