House Fishery-Related Bills Need Bipartisan Support: Marine Fish Conservation Network Statement

Gloucester, MA

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 13, 2017
CONTACT: Jo Knight,

Arlington, VA – The House Committee on Natural Resources today is marking up two fishery-related bills (HR. 200 and HR.3588) as part of its effort to reauthorize the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Robert C. Vandermark, executive director of the Marine Fish Conservation Network, released the following statement in response to the House Committee’s actions.

“America’s oceans provide the social and economic foundations for working waterfronts and coastal communities around the U.S. The Marine Fish Conservation Network believes in sustaining and improving our federal fisheries law to ensure that all Americans can benefit from productive fisheries and healthy and resilient marine ecosystems.

“The House Committee on Natural Resources is pushing through partisan bills that would reverse the successful science-based and conservation measures in the Magnuson-Stevens Act and harm the socio-economic security of America’s coastal communities and working waterfronts. Undermining conservation and promoting uncertainty in fisheries management jeopardizes fishing-related businesses and incomes and sportfishing opportunities for millions of Americans.

“Bipartisan support has been the hallmark of our federal fisheries law, and we believe it continues to be essential for the successful reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Act. The House Natural Resources Committee should continue the tradition and spirit of Senators Magnuson and Stevens by building upon the successful tenants of our federal fisheries law and creating greater fishing opportunities for all Americans who rely on these natural resources. The Network stands ready to work with Congress and the Administration to strengthen and improve the Magnuson-Stevens Act in order to achieve healthier oceans and more productive fisheries in U.S. waters.”


The Marine Fish Conservation Network is a coalition of commercial and recreational fishing associations, regional and national conservation groups, aquaria, and marine science organizations committed to sustaining fish populations, healthy marine ecosystems, and robust fishing communities. For more information, visit us at or follow us on Facebook or Twitter (@marinefishcons).