Rules & Catch Limits Limit The Harm

Rules & Catch Limits Limit The Harm

Photo: Summer Flounder Summer flounder, more commonly known as “fluke” at the northern end of their range, were at the center of fisheries debates throughout the first eight or ten years of this century. It was the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s (MAFMC) failure to take the conservation and rebuilding provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation […]

Bounty on the Bay

Bounty on the Bay

Photo: 68 crab joined this 10 fish limit (eight coho, two Chinook) from the waters adjacent to Tillamook Bay on September 14, 2016. This is the time of year when I get to write a little bit about how lucky I am to live on the West Coast, let alone Oregon. It’s the time of […]

Voices Opposing H.R. 3094, the ‘Gulf States Red Snapper Management Authority Act’

Voices Opposing H.R. 3094, the ‘Gulf States Red Snapper Management Authority Act’

Learn more about red snapper and what you can do to oppose H.R. 3094. H.R. 3094 is the latest attempt to disrupt a fisheries management process that puts science and stakeholders first. We should be striving to improve the solid procedural foundation established by the Magnuson-Stevens Act, rather than undermining it with piecemeal exemptions. — […]

Who Gets The Fish?

Who Gets The Fish?

Summer Flounder, photo via NOAA Of all the issues that face fisheries managers, probably none are as controversial as reallocating harvest. It’s a no-win issue for regulators. The need to establish annual catch limits makes fisheries management a zero-sum game. The only way to increase the landings of one group of fishermen is to decrease […]

Salmon are Forest Products, Too

Salmon are Forest Products, Too

Photo: three nice ocean-caught hatchery coho from 9/7/16. Hatchery coho don’t exhibit the same fitness level as wild coho, but they aren’t as susceptible to natural disasters that effect wild coho return rates either. It’s not often that I stray from the salt in this blog, but Judge Daniel Murphy of Linn County has been […]