The Pacific Council’s Grand Habitat Compromise Took Years of Hard Work

The Pacific Council’s Grand Habitat Compromise Took Years of Hard Work

Like most big headline-grabbing policy breakthroughs achieved through the regional fishery management council process under the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the recently announced protections for deep sea essential fish habitat (EFH) on the West Coast took years of painstaking work. Many fishermen and environmentalists are rightfully celebrating their collective achievement, but it’s worth taking a moment to […]

Who Speaks For The Fish?

Who Speaks For The Fish?

Photo by John McMurray No one can deny the social and economic importance of recreational fishing, and sport fishing organizations used to be a significant voice for conservation and management of our marine resources. However, there is a disturbing trend in some corners of the sport fishing community. Where conservation and abundance were once the […]

Senators Step-Up To Bring California Swordfish Fishing Into the 21st Century

Senators Step-Up To Bring California Swordfish Fishing Into the 21st Century

New legislation will improve marine resource conservation and promote innovative new fishing gear This post first appeared in Fishing Wire and is reprinted with permission Last Tuesday, Senators Feinstein (D-Calif.), Capito (R-W.Va.) and Harris (D-Calif.) introduced S.2773 the Driftnet Modernization and Bycatch Reduction Act to phase out the use of mile-long drift gillnets in the […]

Live Bluefish Matter

Live Bluefish Matter

Anglers and bluefish have a complicated relationship. We call them “yellow-eyed demons” when they show up in the surf, attacking lures meant for striped bass. And we call them worse things farther offshore, when they show up to ruin shark baits and mangle carefully-rigged—and expensive—ballyhoo intended for tuna. But when they burst through the surface […]

Gulf Deep Sea Corals Deserve Protection

Gulf Deep Sea Corals Deserve Protection

Photo: Gulf deep sea corals, via NOAA Many people would probably be surprised to learn that the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council occasionally takes up issues that are not related to red snapper allocation. Of course I’m being a bit sarcastic, but a lot of the Council’s time does seem to be dominated by […]

Commercial Fishermen — Entrepreneurs, Problem Solvers, and Conservationists

Commercial Fishermen — Entrepreneurs, Problem Solvers, and Conservationists

Commercial fishing in the U.S. provides sustainable seafood to consumers across the world. Our waters historically have provided fertile fishing grounds, and the U.S. has some of the most rigorously managed fisheries in the world, between individual states’ fishing policies, regional management councils, and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Commercial fishermen take pride […]

Summit Innovations Can Be Done Under Present MSA

Summit Innovations Can Be Done Under Present MSA

Photo: Secretary Wilbur Ross, Department of Commerce and NOAA Chief Rear Admiral, Timothy Gallaudet, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere. The National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Summit sponsored by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries department was held March 28 and 29 at the Westin Crystal City hotel in Arlington, VA. One […]