Seafood Trade Wars

Seafood Trade Wars

In a time when government deregulation is rampant and environmental protections are getting tossed out the window, the USA has a seafood trade deficit that could be improving… that is if American consumers are willing learn about where their food is coming from, and if consumers are willing to pay a fair price for seafood […]

Encouraging Words at ASMFC

Encouraging Words at ASMFC

Photo: Tautog I’ve often been a critic of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC). I don’t criticize the interstate compact that created the ASMFC, nor do I have any bad words for the Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Cooperative Management Act, which gave the ASMFC the authority to bind East Coast states to its interstate fishery […]

Restoring Healthy Habitat for California’s Salmon

Restoring Healthy Habitat for California’s Salmon

Fifty years ago this month, Lyndon Johnson signed the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, establishing the protection of rivers possessing “outstandingly remarkable scenic, recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, historic, cultural, or other similar” as a national priority. This legacy has been storied, keeping flows flowing and water courses unimpaired in some of our most special […]

Giving Back

Giving Back

I’ve been a recreational shark fisherman since the late 1970s. Over that time I and the folks who fish with me have caught a lot of fish. We’ve caught blue sharks and sandbars, common threshers and duskies, shortfin makos and tigers. We’ve caught bizarre-looking hammerheads, and we’ve had whites that weighed more than a ton […]

Reasons to Celebrate National Seafood Month

Reasons to Celebrate National Seafood Month

There are a lot of reasons to celebrate in October. This month means anticipating cool(ish) weather and grabbing some beers to catch the weekend football game. It’s also National Seafood Month, a time to celebrate the hard-working men and women that bring fresh domestic seafood to the American public. Seafood impacts everyone, not just those […]