Mid-Atlantic ‘Harvest Control Rule’: One Year Later

Mid-Atlantic ‘Harvest Control Rule’: One Year Later

At its June 2022 meeting, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) adopted the so-called “Percent Change Approach” (PCA) for managing the recreational summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass fisheries; the PCA will also be used to manage the recreational bluefish fishery, once the bluefish stock is no longer subject to its current rebuilding plan. […]

The Gulf Council Needs a Balance of Voices

The Gulf Council Needs a Balance of Voices

The Gulf of Mexico’s most valuable fish stocks are under threat as years of conservation and fishery success are quickly becoming unraveled. Gag grouper and greater amberjack face 70-80% quota reductions. As of 2017, red grouper spawning biomass is the lowest it has ever been. Even the celebrated red snapper fishery is in decline. This […]

Winter Flounder: Managers Wave the White Flag

Winter Flounder: Managers Wave the White Flag

It’s hard to watch a fishery die, particularly one that you’ve been a part of for virtually all of your life. I’ve long mourned the demise of the Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic (SNEMA) stock of winter flounder. I’m not sure when I caught my first flounder, but if I had to guess, I’d say it was […]

Building a Better Working Waterfront

Building a Better Working Waterfront

The news just keeps getting better for West Coast groundfish. Ringing in the New Year comes with good news for saltwater anglers in Oregon, and other West Coast ports as well. For starters, the seasonal depth restriction has been lifted, which should excite many anglers. It’s like the good ol’ days all over again, with […]

Mid-Atlantic “Harvest Control Rule” Makes an Awkward Debut, Part II: Confusion at the Council

Mid-Atlantic “Harvest Control Rule” Makes an Awkward Debut, Part II: Confusion at the Council

Read Part I of this two-part series. Top Photo: Black Sea Bass caught off Fire Island Each year, before the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC’s) Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Management Board (Management Board) meet in December to set the recreational specification for the next […]

A View from the Hill: 2022 in Review

A View from the Hill: 2022 in Review

Happy Holidays from our nation’s capital! As 2022 comes to a close, we’re looking back at significant actions that Congress took on oceans and fisheries policy this year. Update This week (12/19-25) is the last week of the 117th Congress. The text of the $1.7 trillion FY23 omnibus spending package was released just before 2:00am […]

Message to NOAA: Time to Prioritize Climate-Ready Fisheries

Message to NOAA: Time to Prioritize Climate-Ready Fisheries

This piece first appeared on NRDC’s expert blog and is reprinted with permission. Top photo by John McMurray. Healthy fish populations are building blocks of a healthy ocean. They support marine ecosystems, including other wildlife like whales and seabirds. They are also engines of our coastal economies and the communities that rely on them, with […]