Giving Back

Giving Back

I’ve been a recreational shark fisherman since the late 1970s. Over that time I and the folks who fish with me have caught a lot of fish. We’ve caught blue sharks and sandbars, common threshers and duskies, shortfin makos and tigers. We’ve caught bizarre-looking hammerheads, and we’ve had whites that weighed more than a ton […]

Reasons to Celebrate National Seafood Month

Reasons to Celebrate National Seafood Month

There are a lot of reasons to celebrate in October. This month means anticipating cool(ish) weather and grabbing some beers to catch the weekend football game. It’s also National Seafood Month, a time to celebrate the hard-working men and women that bring fresh domestic seafood to the American public. Seafood impacts everyone, not just those […]

Of The Sea

Of The Sea

Surfers, divers, fishers… This is our legacy. So speak the hell up! My name is John McMurray, and I’m an ocean-junkie. I make a living from the sea. And saltwater courses though my veins. Almost every day, I get my fix – when the alarm-clock starts screaming at 3am; when I start the engine up; […]

Know Your Fisher

Know Your Fisher

As a fisheries organizer, there’s one question I get at almost every public event I’m a part of: “What is one thing that I can do to help fish and fishermen?” It’s a tough question to answer and one that I’m sure I will hear a lot during this October, which happens to be National […]