America’s Small-Boat Fisheries: Making Sustainable Seafood More Traceable & Delicious

America’s Small-Boat Fisheries: Making Sustainable Seafood More Traceable & Delicious

Alaskans Own fisherman Gregg Jones of the F/V Sea Miner unloads his catch of coho salmon. Photo credit: Alyssa Russell. Buying seafood can be complicated. Where was it caught? When was it caught? How was it caught? Who caught it? Oftentimes, shoppers are left with no clear answers to these questions, which is why small-boat […]

Defending Magnuson-Stevens from the Lame Duck

Defending Magnuson-Stevens from the Lame Duck

The 115th Congress is on its last legs. Both chambers adjourned before the midterm elections to let their members campaign ahead of the vote. Now, they are meeting in a so-called “lame duck session,” which will provide outgoing members, and outgoing majorities, one last chance to pass their priority legislation before the 116th Congress ushers […]

Seafood Trade Wars

Seafood Trade Wars

In a time when government deregulation is rampant and environmental protections are getting tossed out the window, the USA has a seafood trade deficit that could be improving… that is if American consumers are willing learn about where their food is coming from, and if consumers are willing to pay a fair price for seafood […]

Encouraging Words at ASMFC

Encouraging Words at ASMFC

Photo: Tautog I’ve often been a critic of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC). I don’t criticize the interstate compact that created the ASMFC, nor do I have any bad words for the Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Cooperative Management Act, which gave the ASMFC the authority to bind East Coast states to its interstate fishery […]

Restoring Healthy Habitat for California’s Salmon

Restoring Healthy Habitat for California’s Salmon

Fifty years ago this month, Lyndon Johnson signed the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, establishing the protection of rivers possessing “outstandingly remarkable scenic, recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, historic, cultural, or other similar” as a national priority. This legacy has been storied, keeping flows flowing and water courses unimpaired in some of our most special […]