Our Blog: From the Waterfront

The Economics Argument in Fisheries Management

The Economics Argument in Fisheries Management

There’s been a dramatic shift in fisheries lately, and folks should be aware of how the changes could alter the future of our public resource. Namely, the word “economics” slowly started to creep into the fisheries management conversation several years ago. The concept of economics is covered in the National Standard 8: Conservation and management […]

Fisheries Management Structure Could be at Risk

Fisheries Management Structure Could be at Risk

Photo by John McMurray From the outside looking in, fisheries management can appear complicated and frustrating. There are many sectors with different agendas. Each sector wants rules that are friendly to their position relative to the best available science and their opinions. I’ve sat in countless council meetings, commissions, and workgroups over the years. It […]

When Fisheries Managers Fail

When Fisheries Managers Fail

Photo: Atlantic Cod, by Joachim S. Mueller It’s the middle of summer. Forty years ago, I would have been fishing for cod southeast of Rhode Island. That might catch some people by surprise, because they think of cod as a cold-water species that only appears off New York and southern New England during the dead […]

Do the Numbers Seem Fishy to You?

Do the Numbers Seem Fishy to You?

Photo by John McMurray When fisheries close abruptly, the questions come a-lobbin’. Most of my fellow fishermen get rather anxious, questioning whether our fishery managers are accurate in their assessments of the harvest. Although I will claim a bias, since I worked for both state and federal fisheries agencies, I certainly subscribed to the statistical […]

‘Fishing Builds a Lifetime of Memories’

‘Fishing Builds a Lifetime of Memories’

Youth fishing camp participants caught on quickly. By day three, they were casting from shore like pros. “Catching fish is a blast… I caught eight fish today and four yesterday,” said Aiden Plante, a 10-year-old who attended the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association’s (RISAA) Youth Fishing Camp last month. Aiden was one of fifty children […]

Thanks New Jersey…

Thanks New Jersey…

Some may be cheering the Secretary of Commerce’s decision to overrule ASMFC on summer flounder, but in the end, Jersey may have really screwed us If you are a regular reader, you likely know the controversy surrounding summer flounder (aka fluke). And I’m guessing you’re probably up to speed on the striped bass situation, too […]