For the last several months, the Gulf’s fishing community has kept a close eye on H.R. 200, also known as the “Strengthening Fishing Communities and Increasing Flexibility in Fisheries Management Act.” Republican co-sponsors advertised the bill as a reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) that would allow more “flexibility” in […]
About Jim Zurbrick
Jim Zurbrick is a lifelong fishermen and resident of Florida who has been an active member of the charter-for-hire and commercial fishing sectors in the Gulf for the last 35 years. As the President for Fish For America, he educates the public about their right to consume domestic wild-caught seafood, promotes science-based management as mandated by the Magnuson-Stevens Act, and is an advocate for accountability for all sectors of the fishing community. He also serves on the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council’s Ad Hoc Red Snapper/Grouper-Tilefish IFQ Advisory Panel.
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About “From the Waterfront”
Fishing is a rich part of our American tradition. Fisheries policy and management can be highly technical, but at the heart of it lies stories of the men and women who make a living off of the last wild places, or who connect with nature, families, and communities through fishing recreationally and eating the bounties of the ocean. The Marine Fish Conservation Network is committed to ensuring that wild ocean fisheries are as much a part of our nation’s future as they are of its past.
“From the Waterfront” shares stories of our fishing past, present, and future to demonstrate the invaluable role that healthy, well-managed fisheries play our American fishing tradition.