U.S. House Sends Modern Fish Act to President

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 20, 2018
CONTACT: Jo Knight, jo@conservefish.org

Statement by Marine Fish Conservation Network Executive Director

Arlington, VA – The U.S. House of Representatives yesterday, under suspension of the rules, passed S. 1520, the “Modernizing Recreational Fishing Management Act of 2017.” Robert C. Vandermark, executive director of the Marine Fish Conservation Network, released the following statement about the House passing the “Modern Fish Act.”

“The U.S. House of Representatives has brought S. 1520 one step closer to becoming law. The Network appreciates that U.S. Representatives accepted the Senate’s hard work to improve this legislation and passed the bill without amendment.

“The task of modernizing our fisheries can only come through a bipartisan and comprehensive reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Act. The Network will work with the 116th Congress to ensure future changes to our federal fisheries law promote healthy oceans and productive fisheries for all Americans who depend upon them.”


The Marine Fish Conservation Network is a coalition of commercial and recreational fishing associations, regional and national conservation groups, aquaria, and marine science organizations committed to sustaining fish populations, healthy marine ecosystems, and robust fishing communities.